
Thursday Exercise with Liz Goodman, Cori Ingram, and Lydia Danas

  1. The model is performing well and the training and validation accuracy and loss follow a very similar pattern.
  2. The model accurately predicts what type of code the question input is pertraining to about 74% of the time so we can be realtively confident in our model. 3. export_model.predict(examples) array([[0.5513627 , 0.40722254, 0.4448905 , 0.5768401 ], [0.5875802 , 0.38242897, 0.5630223 , 0.45748726], [0.7534702 , 0.61576515, 0.38523862, 0.25435194]], dtype=float32
    • Label 0 corresponds to csharp Label 1 corresponds to java Label 2 corresponds to javascript Label 3 corresponds to Python